The Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC’s) Secretary-General, Seraphin Dedi is participating in the Chatham House Africa Programme conference Africa’s Future in a Changing Global Order: Agency in International Relations on 10th -11th July 2019 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The conference aims to examine the role that African States and citizens play in international relations to develop deeper understanding of the continent’s role in global decision-making and outcomes. Seraphin Dedi, FCWC Secretary-General is speaking in the fifth session on the subject of Maritime Security.
“I am honored to be invited to speak at this conference and given the opportunity to share the FCWC West Africa Task Force initiative in combatting IUU fishing and associated crimes in maritime domains. I look forward to the discussion on the policy priorities of African actors on maritime security in particular because it was chosen at the 2018 FCWC Conference as the FCWC theme for 2019. As a key global issue, I am interested in how we can approach maritime security and the other issues we will discuss, to achieve international goals,” he said.
Since its establishment in 1920, Chatham House has been recognised as a globally renowned centre for the research, analysis and discussion of international affairs. The establishment of a very active Africa Programme has seen a burgeoning level of debate on African nations and their international relations.
FCWC Secretariat