Our overarching goal is “to ensure the sustainable development of the fisheries resources in the FCWC Convention Area”.
Our Strategic Goals/Objectives are:
- Rebuild and maintain robust fisheries resources through policy reforms, cooperative regulatory planning, good governance and improvements in institutions.
- Develop and implement appropriate management frameworks that ensure fisheries resources are harvested sustainably, improved intra-regional and international trade of fish and fishery products and maximum economic and social benefits are obtained from the fisheries.
- Develop the capacity of Members’ Small-scale fishers and other operators to create sustainable livelihoods for their people from the sustainable harvest, processing and marketing of their fisheries resources
- Enhance national capabilities for efficient, cost effective and sustainable fisheries monitoring, control and surveillance, and establishing mechanisms for effective regional cooperation in MCS and enforcement to stop illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the West Central Gulf of Guinea
- Strengthen cooperative research and ensure that resource-related decisions are based on sound knowledge, scientific methodology and best information available.
- Our Strategic organizational/functional goal is ” To ensure the effective implementation of the Committee’s work through results-based management, improved communication, and better financial, human and knowledge management systems and tools”.
- Support sustainable Aquaculture Development
Based on the Ministers’ declaration made in July 2006 in Abidjan, the first ministerial conference of ministers approved the convention, establishing the committee.