Statistics & Data Collection

The FCWC Regional Working Group will coordinate the implementation of fisheries statistics, research and management measures in the sub-region. A multidisciplinary working group with members drawn from the fields of fisheries statistics, science, management and economics in the sub-region will focus on data collection and management, fisheries research, fisheries management at the regional level. International experts may be co-opted where needed, to enhance the work of the Group. The Committee will meet regularly to steer and validate all implementation processes. The main role of the RWG is to steer and validate all marine fisheries research activities and management measures for the region. The functions of the working group are:

  • To offer guidance and assistance in fisheries data collection in the sub-region
  • Meet to analyze and validate fisheries data collected in the region
  • Improve data quality by using common quality checks across all countries’ data
  • Ensure that approved methodology is employed in statistical
  • Assist with disseminating information to relevant stakeholders.
  • Build capacity of member countries in fisheries statistics
  • Plan and implement common stock assessment programmes
  • Provide information and advice on fisheries science and management to the FCWC Secretariat and the Advisory and Coordinating Council
  • Develop options for sub-regional fisheries management

Inception workshop of the FCWC FAO TCP Project “Strengthening Fisheries Statistics in West Africa, Accra, 5 & 6 May 2016.