The Fisheries Committee of the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC) Regional Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Centre
The Regional Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Centre (RMCSC) is established under the “Improved Fisheries Governance in West Africa Project (PESCAO)” project funded by the European Union. It provides a cost-effective mechanism to support operational cooperation, improve communication and build regional capacity to stop illegal fishing.
The RMCSC addresses major national, regional and global challenges in stopping IUU fishing and related fisheries crimes. This is achieved through pooling and analyzing information, working in a collaborative manner, promoting cooperation with relevant regional and national authorities and institutions, and building capacity.
The RMCSC develops and supports the following activities:
- Vessel monitoring
- Regional record of authorised fishing vessels
- Regional and joint at-sea patrols
- Regional observer programme
- Training and capacity building
Ensuring the legality and sustainability of the fish and the related operations is central to the RMCSC mandate, it achieves this by providing:
- Improved information and knowledge
- Increased oversight
- Enhanced cooperation, communication
- And collaboration
- Transparency and accountability
Read More about the RMCSC in the RMCSC Leaflet below: