
Current Projects

Building Transparency in West Africa

Oceans 5 is supporting Trygg Mat Tracking (TMT) and the FCWC to shine a light on industrial fisheries operations in and adjacent to African waters and assure coastal States have better access to, and understanding of, relevant fisheries intelligence in their waters and regions. Working in cooperation with Global Fishing Watch, the focus is on developing a comprehensive overview of fishing operations active in sub-Saharan African EEZs that have beneficial ownership outside sub-Saharan Africa, examining the legal, business and operational structures that are utilized by international fishing operators, and identifying where the risks exist for illegal fishing and related fisheries crimes.

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Fisheries Intelligence and MCS Support in West Africa

Trygg Mat Tracking (TMT), in cooperation with Stop Illegal Fishing (SIF) and the Secretariat of the FCWC developed the NORAD-supported project “Fisheries Intelligence and MCS Support in West Africa”. At the core of this initiative was the establishment of the West Africa Task Force, inspired by the highly successful FISH-i Task Force in Eastern Africa, and driven by an FCWC Ministerial Conference recommendation to create a regional working group to address IUU fishing and related issues. The project focuses on intelligence sharing, capacity training as well as reinforcing inter-agency cooperation regionally and nationally. Provision and analysis of intelligence has been at the core of the project, leading to the identification, investigation and prosecution of illegal fishing cases. The project’s first phase was implemented between 2014 and 2018, and the second phase is currently ongoing.

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Improved Regional Fisheries Governance in West Africa

The European Union-funded Improved Regional Fisheries Project (PESCAO) aims at complementing and building upon the progress already made in enhancing regional fisheries management in the FCWC region. The approach of the project is to address regional fisheries policy; to build the capacities of national and regional monitoring, control and surveillance authorities; and to demonstrate the added value of coordinated approaches for shared fisheries management.

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Improving Fisheries Governance in Ghana and Wider Sub-region

Hen Mpoano (HM), Friends of the Nation (FoN), Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), Trygg Mat Tracking (TMT) and the Fisheries Committee of the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC) are working together under the Improving Fisheries Governance in Ghana and the wider sub-region (IFG project) through funding from the Oak Foundation and Oceans 5, to strengthen fisheries governance and transparency.

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Completed Projects