Our News
July 5, 2024

Consultancy Services: Analysis of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) within the FCWC Region for Inclusion in Future IFG Activities

July 4, 2024

FCWC Holds ACC Session Meeting in Liberia

July 4, 2024

Ghana: FCWC Attends Ghana Small Pelagic Fisheries Coalition Dialogue

July 3, 2024

FCWC Region Implements Premier Three-Nation Joint Fisheries Closed Season

June 26, 2024

The FCWC Region Chalks Another Success in Regional Fisheries Cooperation in Liberia

June 19, 2024

Liberia: FCWC Celebrates the Legacy of a Fisheries Pioneer

June 7, 2024

WATF: Press Release – Sixteenth Regional Fisheries Meeting to be Held in Liberia

June 7, 2024

Job Vacancy Announcement: Recruitment of an International Consultant for Marine Spatial Planning (MSP).

June 1, 2024

Ghana: WATF Technical Team Reviews Ghana Fisheries SOPs
