Ms. Diarietou Gaye Director, Strategy and Operations Africa Region (second in command ) shaking hands with NaFAA Director General Mrs. Emma M. GlasscoO Region
The Director General of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority NaFAA has held fruitful discussions with authorities of the World Bank in continuation of the West Africa Regional Fisheries Project (WARFP)) in Liberia. The NaFAA Boss visit to the World Bank office was a follow up on a 21 million dollars fisheries project under theWest Africa Regional Fisheries Project WARFP.
According to a dispatch from Washington DC, the 21 million United States dollars from the World Band will be used to construct a modern state of the art fishing and processing facilities and the establishment of landing jetties in targeted five coastal counties including Montserrado, Additionally, this project is in continuation of the first phase of the West Africa Regional Fisheries Project WARFP.
Among the eight regional countries, Liberia has made significant progress, as a result the World Bank has given Liberia the approval to proceed with the second phase of the West Africa Regional Fisheries Project WARFP, which will shortly be implemented.
The 21 million United States dollars fisheries project when implemented as planned within the five coastal counties will greatly impart the Liberian fisheries sector as there exist a need for a state of the art fishing and processing facilities and landing jetties in all of the nine coastal counties.
The facilities, a state of the art fishing and processing and landing jetties that would be constructed in Liberia, will be the first of its kind upon completion and will tremendously impact the lives of the fishermen within those five coastal counties.
Meanwhile, the meetings at the World Bank Headquarters were part of side events at the 63rd Session of the United Nations Convention on the Status of Women ongoing in the United States of America.
Director General Glassco during to discussions at the World Bank Headquarters named Illegal Unreported and Unregulated fishing, marine pollution as well as climate change as some of the challenges confronting the fisheries sector. At the same time Madam Glassco conveyed the enormous progress made in restoring the sector to vibrancy under the CDC led government.
The National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority NaFAA Boss Emma Glassco held discussions with Ms. Diarietou Gaye Director, Strategy and Operations Africa Region, Mr. Benoit Bosquet Director &Natural Resources and accompanied to the World Bank Headquarters by the Deputy Ambassador for Liberia to Washington DC Ms. Alberta Doe.-Dispatch