As part of improving statistics in the subregion FCWC, the thematic information and the assessment of trends in capture fisheries has been retained and is being conducted in collaboration with the Fish Code STF project of FAO, since 2007.
This collaboration has achieved the following actions:
I. Creation of an ad hoc working group on improving information and collecting data on capture fisheries. Two meetings of the working group were held in 2009 and 2010 (see reports).
The overall objective of the working group aims to provide technical support to FCWC members to improve the collection of fisheries data and information as well as develop regional systems to update and exchange fisheries statistics;
II. National pilot projects relating to frame survey, registration of artisanal fishing vessels, awareness workshops were conducted in FCWC member states;
III. The FCWC Secretariat received support from FAO FishCode STF project, with the creation of a website. Ideal platform to update the profile of Member States and sharing of fisheries data collected on a harmonized basis;
IV. A training session on improving statistics is programmed in 2010 with the participation of two delegates from member states FCWC .
Statistics By Country From FAO: