Morocco ranks as the first African fisheries producer and the 13th globally, the UN FAO said in a recent report.
China topped the ranking followed by Indonesia, the US, Russia, Peru, India and Japan, shows the report dubbed The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture.
Morocco and China remain the largest exporters of Octopus, the report said.
FAO said that nearly 60 million people worldwide – 14 per cent of them women – are directly employed in fisheries and the aquaculture sector.
Fish account for about 17 per cent of animal protein consumed around the world, providing around 3.2 billion people on earth with nearly 20 per cent of their animal protein needs, it said.
According to the report, global fish production will continue to grow over the next ten years even though the amount of fish being captured in the wild has levelled off and aquaculture is slowing down.
The bi-annual report also found that one in three fish caught around the world never makes it to the plate, either being thrown back overboard or rotting before it can be eaten.
Source: http://northafricapost.com/24497-morocco-first-african-fisheries-producer-fao.html