FCWC - PESCAO meeting
The first meeting between FCWC and AGRER on the PESCAO project took place on 23rd April 2018, at FCWC Secretariat headquarters in Tema, Ghana.
The aims of the meeting were to further prepare for the launch and implementation of the PESCAO project; in particular to introduce Mamadou Ball, the Technical Assistant (TA), a fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Expert, recruited under the PESCAO project and provided by private Cabinet AGRER.
Secretary-General Seraphin Dedi who chaired the meeting went over the project description, the activities, result areas, the implementation team and the budget. “The priority is to secure a date for the launching of the project to create a large visibility and ownership of the project in FCWC subregion for its smooth running,” Mr. Dedi said in reference to the activity.
Mr Frank Feys, Director of the Environment Department for AGRER. also gave a presentation on the Terms of reference of the TA and contract between the European Union Commission and AGRER to assist FCWC in the implementation of the PESCAO Project.
The meeting concluded with an exchange of proposed work plans by FCWC and AGRER for the four (4) years of implementation of the EU Funded PESCAO Project to strengthen Institutions and fisheries governance in the West Africa region.
FCWC Secretariat