A team comprised of Seraphin Dedi, Secretary-General, and Abena Asante, Technical Fisheries Advisor of the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC) are participating in a three-day kickoff meeting from 24
th to 26
th April 2019 in Akosombo, Ghana for the
CECAF-PESCAO Project on Improved Fisheries Governance in West Africa.
The kick-off meeting is to present the CECAF-PESCAO Project structure and activities to the principal stakeholders and beneficiaries – the FCWC and Sub-Regional Fisheries Commission (SRFC) – and other stakeholders (ECOWAS, West African Non-State Actors in Fisheries and Aquaculture sector (WANSAFA)), and to agree on the mechanisms of collaboration with other projects implemented by other partners in the CECAF area.
The PESCAO-CECAF Project is to improve regional governance of marine resources in the CECAF area using knowledge-based advice by strengthening management processes to contribute to sustainable fisheries, food security, and sustainable livelihoods.
The meeting is expected to conclude with the validation and adoption of the year 1 action plan, identification of collaboration and complementarity among projects, and the validation of an overall outlook plan for the next three years.
Secretariat FCWC