Communication between fisheries inspectors and the master and crew of fishing vessels during vessel inspections can present many challenges. The language barrier is one of them. To support fisheries inspectors communicate clearly during vessel inspections a new phrase book has been developed by Trygg Mat Tracking and Stop Illegal Fishing, as part of their support for the West Africa Task Force. ‘Vessel Inspection: Fisheries Enforcement Phrase Book’ provides the essential phrases routinely used during the course of an inspection in seven languages.
Fisheries Commission of the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC) Secretary General, Seraphin Dedi Nadje commented, “Inspectors in the FCWC region are dealing with masters and crew of many nationalities. This phrase book provides practical support giving translations for the most commonly used phrases that will guide users through the inspection process. The Vessel Inspection: Fisheries Enforcement Phrase Book will help us achieve faster and more effective inspections.”
Duncan Copeland, Tyrgg Mat Tracking, stated, “The Vessel Inspection: Fisheries Enforcement Phrase Book has been developed to overcome the language barriers that can make vessel inspections challenging. With direct translations of key phrases and requests organised into thematic sections, the phrase book will greatly reduce the opportunity for misunderstandings or lack of cooperation.”
Per Erik, Stop Illegal Fishing said, “The WATF is providing practical support to MCS officers in the six member countries of the Fisheries Commission of the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC). This phrase book adds to the resources developed to help officers conducting vessel inspections at sea or in port. Vessel inspections provide a critical control point: making sure that communication is clear and there are no misunderstandings on the information requested is crucial. We hope the Vessel Inspection: Fisheries Enforcement Phrase Book will prove to be a useful tool in the FCWC region and beyond.”
The West Africa Task Force brings together the six member countries of the Fisheries Commission of the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC) to tackle illegal fishing and fisheries crime. The Task Force forms the monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) mechanism of the FCWC and is supported by a Technical Team that includes Trygg Mat Tracking and Stop Illegal Fishing with funding from Norad.