A team from the Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea West Africa Task Force and a representative from the Liberia National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) visited the Collaborative Management Association (CMA) of Robertsport, Liberia on 23rd March 2019.
The association was created after two community development organizations (the Amanfo and Robertsport Fishing Folks) came together and created a co-committee to develop the by-laws that established the association. The Robertsport CMA currently has over one thousand (1000) registered members that include transporters, buyers, sellers, and boat owners from fifteen (15) surrounding communities. “NaFAA has signed an agreement with the association to collect license fees, and enforce [NaFAA] regulations pertaining to net-size, IUU, etc.” said Mr. William Boeh, Deputy Director-General for Technical Services at NaFAA. Charles Wilson, Director of the Robertsport CMA shared that “we are collaborating with NaFAA on MCS, so we inform them of violations or suspicious activity like we did in the TIMAYA case.”
Robertsport CMA is also collaborating with NaFAA in the trials of small tracking devices for artisanal monitoring and safety, a pilot project which begun in May 2018 and if proven successful will be scaled up to include more small scale vessels.
FCWC Secretariat