The Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC) in collaboration with the Ministry of Animal and Fishery Resources (MIRAH) of Côte d’Ivoire held a one-day workshop to launch the FCWC’s MarEcoPlan project on 27 November 2024 at the Seen Hotel, in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
The project titled “Using Marine Spatial Planning in the Gulf of Guinea for the Implementation of Payment for Ecosystem Services and Coastal Nature-Based Solutions” dubbed MarEcoPlan, is a three-year, three-million-dollar pilot marine spatial planning (MSP) project being implemented in three FCWC Member States: Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and Togo. The MarEcoPlan the project is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and is being jointly implemented by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
The workshop was attended by representatives from la Côte d’Ivoire’s Prime Minister’s Office (SEPCIM-AEM); the Ministry of State; Ministry of Defense; the Ministry of Animal and Fisheries Resources (MIRAH); the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development and Ecological Transition; the Ministry of Higher Education; the Ministry of Tourism; the Ministry Delegate to the Ministry of Transport, responsible for Maritime Affairs; the Autonomous Port of Abidjan/Fishing Terminal; the National Bureau of Technical Studies and Development (BNETD); and the Interprofessional Fishing Association.
The opening ceremony was marked by speeches from the MarEcoPlan Project Coordinator, Kossi Ahoedo, and the Director of MIRAH’s Directorate of Fisheries, Bina Fofana. The meeting was opened by Col. Alain Kodjo, the Technical Fisheries Advisor representing the Minister of MIRAH, Min. Sidi Tiemoko Toure. He reiterated that Côte d’Ivoire will fully play its role in promoting sustainable and equitable management of marine and coastal resources and wished fruitful discussions and full success of the work.
These stakeholders at the nexus of la Côte d’Ivoire’s marine fisheries and marine spatial planning (MSP) activities were introduced to the project via presentations delivered by Mr Ahoedo. The project aims to strengthen transboundary cooperation and management of coastal and marine resources and associated ecosystems for improved food security, climate change resilience and sustainable livelihoods in the FCWC region. As part of this project, activities for the protection and conservation of ecosystems and resources will be carried out, including the establishment of marine protected areas. In addition, mechanisms for the payment of royalties by the beneficiaries will be put in place to have the necessary financial resources to enhance livelihoods and contribute to coastal and marine restoration and protection.
A presentation on the Integrated Management Project of the Marine and Coastal Area from Abidjan to Assinie was delivered by Dr. Alimata Fofana-Diomandé, of the Abidjan Anti-Pollution Center (CIAPOL). She revealed that the project was designed as a tool for MSP and aims to structure human activities in marine areas, while ensuring the ecological and socio-economic sustainability of coastal areas. The project has successfully completed the development of a report on the state of the marine and coastal environment of Côte d’Ivoire (REEM-CI), and the identification of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) from Abidjan to Assinie.
The meeting ended with recommendations to the MIRAH, to setup an operational national technical working group as soon as possible. Recommendations were made to the MarEcoPlan Project Coordinator to provide support (technical and financial) to ongoing or existing national initiatives in the area of PSM and MPA; to recognize existing initiatives to avoid duplication; and to provide financial support to the operations of project’s national focal point and the national working group.
Kofi Taylor-Hayford
Communication Officer, FCWC