In the Gambia in 2010, at the First Conference of African Ministers of Fisheries and Aquaculture it was agreed that ‘urgent actions were needed at national and regional levels to deter and eradicate IUU fishing’. Ministers focused on the need to implement port State measures, strengthen monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) and implement flag State responsibilities both for African and foreign vessels.
Stop Illegal Fishing is now pleased to announce a new tool – the combined IUU fishing vessel list – that we hope will contribute a significant resource to assist fishery administrations in moving towards this goal. It is a list compiled from eight Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMO) detailing documented information on vessels known to have committed IUU fishing activities within those RFMOs. Where available; physical information, vessel characteristics, ownership details, and history of the vessel are listed in order to assist MCS professionals in their work. The identification of IUU fishing vessels may contribute to port State measures decision making as well as decisions about the granting of fishing rights and licenses.
Stop Illegal Fishing encourages MCS officers and managers around Africa to consult this list in their daily work when inspecting or dealing with foreign fishing vessels. It is also our aim that this list assists in the identification of proven IUU vessels so that they can be refused the opportunity to fish in our African waters or to land their illegal catch into our markets.
The effects of illegal fishing are well known, and can place severe pressure on the economies, coastal communities and marine ecosystems of coastal African countries that are losing a valuable resource as a result of contraventions of national and international laws.
We are very grateful to the owners of the site – the Trygg Mat Foundation – for allowing its publication on our website. The original site can be viewed at: http://www.iuu-vessels.org/.
The lUU vessel list can be found at the top of this page on the menu bar.
Source: StopIllegalFishing.com